Tailoring reporting to meet stakeholder needs

client objective

JPMorgan Chase is a long-time reporter that continues to evolve its approach to meet the information needs of its stakeholders and articulate how ESG is integral to how the company does business. Since 2012, BuzzWord has supported JPMorgan Chase on a broad range of ESG, climate, and corporate responsibility reporting and communications.

Services provided

Reporting strategy

Report writing

Framework application (SASB, GRI, TCFD)

This includes working with the firm’s Center for Carbon Transition since 2021 to draft its annual Carbon CompassSM report, which provides information on JPMorgan Chase’s commitment to align key sectors of its financing portfolio with the primary goals of the Paris Agreement. The annual report details the firm’s methodology for designing metrics and emissions reduction targets for key sectors and provides an annual update on its progress.

JPMorgan Chase and Company 2021 ESG Report

BuzzWord has also provided content development services for JPMorganChase’s annual SASB- and GRI-aligned ESG Report, and prior to that its annual Corporate Responsibility Report. In addition, we have worked with the firm to create a variety of issue- and audience-specific communications pieces on ESG-related topics, from a white paper on the firm’s principles for participating in the voluntary carbon market to reports on its efforts to advance economic inclusion in the communities it serves.  

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